Quick sort and Merge sort supports parallelism
Step-by-step explanation:
When we talk about parallelism, we are referring to the idea of breaking down a problem into a number of many subproblems after which we combine the solutions of these subproblems into a single solution. Here we allocate these subtasks to the multicore processors where each core gets assigned each of the subtasks are assigned to a core according to its ability or functionality. After each of the core are through with its evaluation, all their results are collated and combined to come up with a full rounded and complete solution to the given problem.
If we take a look at sorting algorithms such as selection sort, bubble sort and insertion sort, we will find out that these algorithms cant be simulated on a multicore processor efficiently because they are sequential algorithms.
On the other hand, we have sorting algorithms that can easily be simulated in a multicore processor since they can divide the given problem into subproblems to solve after which the solutions can be combined together to arrive at or come up with a complete solution to the problem. This algorithms includes Quick sort and Merge sort, they make use of Divide and Conquer paradigm.