The method cost of eliminating 6 is stated below in the explanation section while,The regulation = 4500, The tradable pollution permits = 2700
Step-by-step explanation:
Every Firm will remove the pollution until the cost of eliminating is lower than the cost of permit.
Firm A will not eliminate any pollution as cost is higher than the permit cost, he will prefer to buy 2 more permits from other Firm
Firm B will eliminate 4 tons of pollution as cost is lower for elimination therefore will not require permit and thus sell his 2 permits to firm A.
Firm C will eliminate 2 tons as after that cost is higher than the permit cost.
Firm A Action : Eliminate 2 tons and purchase 2 permits, Total tons eliminated 0
Firm B Action: Eliminate 4 tons and sell 2 permits, Total tons eliminated 4
Firm C Action : Eliminate 2 tons, Total Tons eliminated 2
If the government would have regulated then each firm would have to eliminate 2 tons each hence the cost would have been = 950+1650 + 280+300+600+720=4500
While with tradable permits cost is =280+300+350+450+600+720=2700