The equation of the least square regression line for predicting selling price from appraised value is:

The general form of the least square regression line is:

y = dependent variable
x = independent variable
a = y-intercept
b = slope
The Minitab output for regressing selling price on appraised value is:
Predictor Coef SE Coef T
Constant 227.0989 95.044 2.389
Appraisal 0.8991 0.133 6.76
S = 88.7959
R-Sq = 76.5%
R-Sq (adj) = 74.9%
The constant term in the regression output represents the y-intercept and the Appraisal coefficient the slope of the regression line.
Then the equation of the least square regression line for predicting selling price from appraised value is: