1 What are the advantages of owning a car?
- Tienes tu propio medio de transporte.
- Puedes transportarte más fácil.
- You don't pay for public transpotation.
- You are more comfortable.
2 What are the disadvantages of owning a car?
- Tienes que pagar gasolina.
- Tienes que preocuparte por que este limpio.
- You might not find a place to park.
- Someone can damage it when you are not around.
3 Imagine that you have won the lottery and could purchase any car that you wanted. What car would you purchase and 4 why?
- Compraria un cadillac porque tienen más espacio. (You can separte this and make it into 2 sentences)
- Cadillac has different types of colors.
- Cadillacs are really beautiful.