The mood at the beginning of chapter 28 of To Kill a Mockingbird was apprehensive and full of suspense.
This mood foreshadows what was to happen later when Scout and Jem are walking home.
Step-by-step explanation:
As Alexandra was telling the children why she wants to go to bed she stops in the middle of a sentence and feels apprehensive, she says somebody must be walking over her grave.
Later when Scout and Jem were walking to the school the night was dark, cloudy, windy and with no moon, Scout says the schoolyard is "pitch black."
When the wind stops and the air becomes still. Scout notes that, "This was the stillness before a thunderstorm."
When Scout and Jem leave the school, the night is still "black dark." They made the bad choice of declining the offer of a ride form someone and started walking home.
As they are crossing the schoolyard, Scout realizes that she has forgotten her shoes, and the auditorium lights go off suddenly, which presents another ominous sign.
All these instances contribute to the suspenseful mood of the chapter, and foreshadow the attack on the children that was to come later on their way home.