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User Tolmark
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1- They agreed with it and wanted it to happen because everyone is equal.

2- Marland said it will require a study of the court's ruling to determine when public schools will be opened to N eg ro es. The change from a divided to an integrated school system in the state will involve some 420,000 white pupils and about 26,000 N e g r o students. B lac k pe o ple will be allowed in schools with other kids such as w h ite .

3- Gov. William C. Marland, state school officials, and N e g r o leaders generally agreed today that W e s t V ir g i ni a is not likely to experience any great difficulty in carrying out the Supreme Court's order outlawing segregation in public schools.

Trent, who has headed W e s t V ir g in i a's public schools since 1932, said he did not "anticipate any condition that calls for force or legal action."

Trent was asked if well-qualified N e gr o teachers might be moved to wh ite sc h ool s to replace instructors now holding low-grade emergency certificates.

The school superintendent replied that such transfers would be within the province of individual county boards of education. He added the boards probably would be guided by public sentiment in their areas.

Trent also could see little prospect of abandoning school buildings with the elimination of the dual system even though in some sparsely settled areas fewer classrooms might be needed.

Beckley Attorney James H. Rowland Sr., N e g r o member of the state Board of Education, said he thinks "W e s t Vi rg in i a will take the decision in stride and act in accordance with the mandate of the Supreme Court." Rowland added that he would have been "surprised" if the high court had not ruled against segregation.

Trent said he believed the decree to be "in keeping with the general principles of democracy as existing in this country where all people are politically free and equal."

4- 420,000 white and 26,000 A f r i c a n A m e r i c an stu de nts attending school in W V

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User Bharadwaj
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