numbers=list(range(1,11)) #creating the list
even_numbers=list(filter(lambda x: x%2==0, numbers)) #filtering out the even numbers using filter()
triples=list(map(lambda x:x*3 ,even_numbers)) #calculating the triples of each even number using map
total_triples=sum(triples) #calculatting the sum
numbers=list(range(1,11)) #creating the list
even_numbers=[x for x in numbers if x%2==0] #filtering out the even numbers using list comprehension
triples=[x*3 for x in even_numbers] #calculating the triples of each even number using list comprehension
total_triples=sum(triples) #calculating the sum.
Step-by-step explanation:
Go to the page where you are going to write the code, name the file as, and copy and paste the following code;
numbers=list(range(1,11)) #creating the list
even_numbers=list(filter(lambda x: x%2==0, numbers)) #filtering out the even numbers using filter()
triples=list(map(lambda x:x*3 ,even_numbers)) #calculating the triples of each even number using map
total_triples=sum(triples) #calculatting the sum
numbers=list(range(1,11)) #creating the list
even_numbers=[x for x in numbers if x%2==0] #filtering out the even numbers using list comprehension
triples=[x*3 for x in even_numbers] #calculating the triples of each even number using list comprehension
total_triples=sum(triples) #calculating the sum