Answer: This is just for a reference of definitions for those who are confused!
1. an equation that contains fractions - fractional equation
2. the lowest common multiple of denominators - lowest common denominator
3. a quotient of two quantities - fraction
4. the dividend of a fraction - numerator
5. a new fraction resulting from the interchanging of the numerator and denominator - reciprocal
6. numbers that would result in division by zero - exclusions
7. multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators for a new fraction - multiplication of fractions
8. multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor - division of fractions
9. the denominators must be the same - addition of fractions
10. contains a fraction in the numerator, denominator, or with the denominator - complex fractions
11. a combination of integral and fractional expressions - mixed expression
12. a statement that two fractions are equal - proportion
13. the divisor in a fraction - denominator
14. a quotient that involves variables - algebraic fraction