The US Civil War's # 1 loss has been the lives lost in the war. Since almost one million people have disappeared. The Confederacy lost 358,000 soldiers who were either killed in the fighting, and the union lost 635,000 soldiers who either got killed or wounded the union lost more men in the war because they needed more citizens. Many of the men of the South were colonists and did not fight in war. Many of the troops had been targeted while moving out of the bush. Perhaps they had family waiting for them to know that their father, uncle, brother or grandfather was gone. Mummies, daughters, too, died as nurses, spies and soldier troops. It was painful to be apart from each other as they could just communicate to each other so it took a long time for the letters to reach there, making things worse. I thought the number one expense was the lives destroyed due to the deaths of others in the war, the suffering of communities because of the death of those they meet.
The South charged a greater sum despite getting less troops. The West, on the other side, had far more troops but suffered 277,000 more than the South. This was uncommon for much of the citizens of the South to be workers, not troops, making it difficult to attract men to participate in the fighting. One holocaust was the Civil War. If you can see the lives lost will be the American Civil war, just because of the North and South disagreement with slavery.