Answer: Massive Contribution to Education.
Step-by-step explanation:
The G I Bill will forever be considered one of the best pieces of legislature passed by the United States.
The idea came about as a result of the realization that the mistakes of the nation by not reintegrating the veterans of World War 1 should not be repeated in WW2. This led President Roosevelt to sign into law, the benefits now known as the GI Bill.
The original bill which was called, the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 helped Veterans so much by building hospitals and giving low mortgage loans. The biggest Contribution however, was the contribution to Education.
The US Government stepped in the pay all educational expenses for veterans regardless of which school accepted them. This drove over 7 million veterans to apply to schools and get their degrees.
The so called 'Greatest Generation' had a large proportion of them educated through this scheme.
It is said that before WW2, many Americans did not have a high school diploma and the situation today came about in a large part due to the GI Bill.
The Education that was gained by these veterans contributed a great deal to the progress of the nation and humanity at large as evidenced by it's production of 14 Nobel Prize winners, 3 presidents and multiple Senators and Pulitzer Price winners.