The trends are;
1. Delay in the time of first marriage and first child birth of young people emerging into adulthood.
2. Lengthy years spent in schooling which leaves the emerging adults financially dependent on their parents for a long period of time.
3. Less autonomy caused by constant communication with parents on several platforms like the social media. This prolongs the number of years spent by parents in micromanaging their children's lives.
Step-by-step explanation:
The author of 'A parent's role in the path of Adulthood', Barbara Hofer, notes that the transition into adulthood in many countries is quite blurry as some states do not have a clear logic that explains rules stipulating transition. A case in point is The United States of America where the age of people who wish to serve in the military comes before the age in which an adult is considered responsible enough to start consuming alcohol.
Barbara also notes that people are taking longer to recognize themselves as adults because of some changes happening in the society.
- One of these is the prolonged period of time spent before adults consider getting married and birthing their first child. Some no longer consider marriage as a choice.
- Second is the long number of years spent in schooling at the college level. While on this, parents still remain responsible for the financial welfare of the adults.
- Third is the less autonomy enjoyed by adults as parents continue controlling their lives even when they are not on sight with the help of social media.