Answer: By keeping them in close proximity to Railways linking Work Camps and cities with Jewish Ghettos.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Final Solution of the Nazis was a plan to eliminate every European Jew so rid Europe of Jews.
To do this they drove Jews to huge Ghettos in Polish cities and then to different camps of various distinctions chief amongst them being the Labor camps and the Death Camps.
In the Labor camps the Nazis essentially worked people to death while in the death camps such as Chelmno and Belzec, people were systematically killed when they arrived and were not expected to survive more than a few hours.
To increase efficiency, the death camps were built near cities with significant Jewish peoples in Ghettos as well as near labour camps.
By building near labour camps they showed that eventually they still planned to transfer and kill the labourers and by building close to Cities with significant ghettos, they reduced the distance needed to transfer Jews to their deaths.