I will pay $ 59.6632 for the outfit.
The original price is $68.00 and it had a disccount of 18%, therefore the new value is the original one, which is 100%, subtracted by the disccount, therefore it is: 100% - 18% = 82%. We can apply a rule of three in order to calculate this value, as shown below:
$68.00 -> 100%
$x -> 82%
68/x = 100/82
100*x = 68*82
100*x = 5576
x = 5576/100 = 55.76
This is the value pre tax, but we need to calculate the value after the tax of 7%. Applying the same thought process as before, the value after taxes is 107% of the value pre tax. So we can also use a rule of three as shown below:
$55.76 -> 100%
$y -> 107%
55.76 / y = 100 / 107
100*y = 55.76*107
100*y = 5966.32
y = 5966.32 / 100 = $ 59.6632
I will pay $ 59.6632 for the outfit.