import random
class Pokemon:
"""Blueprint for turn based Pokemon battle"""
def __init__(self, attack_choice):
self.__attack_choice = attack_choice
def attack(self):
if self.__attack_choice == 1:
attack_points = random.randint(18,25)
return attack_points
elif self.__attack_choice == 2:
attack_points = random.randint(10,35)
return attack_points
print("That is not a selection. You lost your turn!")
def heal(self):
heal_points = random.randint(18,25)
return heal_points
user_health = 100
mew_health = 100
battle_continue = True
while battle_continue == True:
print("\\ATTACK CHOICES\\1. Close range attack\\2. Far range attack\\3. Heal")
attack_choice = eval(input("\\Select an attack: "))
# Mew selects an attack, but focuses on attacking if health is full.
if mew_health == 100:
mew_choice = random.randint(1,2)
mew_choice = random.randint(1,3)
mew = Pokemon(mew_choice)
user_pokemon = Pokemon(attack_choice)
# Attacks by user and Mew are done simultaneously.
if attack_choice == 1 or attack_choice == 2:
damage_to_mew = user_pokemon.attack()
heal_self = 0
print("You dealt",damage_to_mew,"damage.")
if mew_choice == 1 or mew_choice ==2:
damage_to_user = mew.attack()
heal_mew = 0
print("Mew dealt", damage_to_user, "damage.")
if attack_choice == 3:
heal_self = user_pokemon.heal()
damage_to_mew = 0
print("You healed",heal_self,"health points.")
if mew_choice == 3:
heal_mew = mew.heal()
damage_to_user = 0
print("Mew healed", heal_mew, "health points.")
user_health = user_health - damage_to_user + heal_self
mew_health = mew_health - damage_to_mew + heal_mew
# Pokemon health points are limited by a min of 0 and a max of 100.
if user_health > 100:
user_health = 100
elif user_health <= 0:
user_health = 0
battle_continue = False
if mew_health > 100:
mew_health = 100
elif mew_health <= 0:
mew_health = 0
battle_continue = False
print("Your current health is", user_health)
print("Mew's current health is", mew_health)
print("Your final health is", user_health)
print("Mew's final health is", mew_health)
if user_health < mew_health:
print("\\You lost! Better luck next time!")
print("\\You won against Mew!")
Step-by-step explanation: