1. In lines 1-2, the phrase, "Rulers then act as the ministers of God and as his lieutenants on earth" means that the rulers carry out their functions as though they were directly commanded by God.
2. According to lines 5-10, a king can be punished by God for misusing his power because it is a sacrilege to be given such power and to use it for evil.
3. According to lines 12-14, nobody checks or regulates the power of the absolute monarch/prince because it is necessary that his power is absolute so no one can escape him.
4. According to lines 13-14, the phrase. "It is necessary that his power be such that no one can hope to escape him" mean that his actions are not held accountable to anyone so that he can use his power on anyone he wishes to.
5. According to lines 16-22, Bossuet compares the absolute monarch to God as he says that the absolute monarch holds the realm in place just as God holds the earth.
6. According to Bossuet, there would be confusion and the realm would fall into pieces if there was no absolute