13) It Opened up different kind of jobs to them. (Jobs that were occupied full of men were later occupied by women, because men went to fight in WWI)
14) Imperialism (Imperialism means: to practice of a larger country or government growing stronger by taking over poorer or weaker countries that have important resources)
15) It punished Germany with big fines (Germany had to pay finical compensation)
16) Eighteenth (The Eighteenth Amendment declared the production, transport, and sale of intoxicating liquors illegal)
17) Comapnies cut productions and jobs (The quantity of goods and services produced in the United States fell by one-third, the unemployment rate soared to 25 percent of the labor force, the stock market lost 80 percent of its value and some 7,000 banks failed according to stlouisfed.org)
18) Many people moved to other places (People started to move to California)
I hope this helps!