The facts are
OF the boys surveyed more boys preferred vanilla.
OF the girls surveyed more girls pref chocolate.
74 liked vanilla
76 liked chocolate
I think they are asking for the word ''THERE DOES''
As they say ''.......appear to be an association between gender and flavor preference. This is true statement as 41 boys liking vanilla is=54% of those that preferred vanilla in the vote were boys and more boys may have been asked to begin with for choice of vanilla as only 43% of girls in total were asked out of the 150 people asked.
And 59.21% of those that preferred chocolate were girls.
We can say there is a association with gender flavor as we know that there were lesser amounts of girls than boys to begin with yet of the 100% people asked in library 43% were girls and more than 59% had agreed chocolate was their preference. .
We see that 64 girls were asked and 86 boys were asked and this proves that As 57% of people asked were boys to begin with as there were 64 girls and a greater amount 86 boys making the boys 57% of 150 asked, which makes the girls only 43% of the people asked so it can be an association to preferences as there were so many more girls agreeing chocolate.