10 Interesting weather facts:
Step-by-step explanation:
- Close to 2,000 thunderstorms are going on around the world this very moment.
- The average Lightning Stroke is 6 miles long.
- The Temperature of lightning's return stroke can reach 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The surface of the sun is not even that hot! (Sun's surface is around 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit).
- The average Thunderstorm is 6-10 miles wide.The average Thunderstorm travels at a rate of 25 miles per hour.
- On average, thunder can only be heard over a distance of 3-4 miles, depending on humidity, terrain and other factors.
- Thunderstorms cause an average of 200 deaths and 700 injuries in the United States each year.
- The greatest snowfall ever in a single storm was 189 inches at the Mount Shasta Ski Bowl in February, 1959.
- A good sized thunder cloud can contain a mass weighing in at about 8,750,000,000 lbs. (That's the weight of ten-thousand 747 jet airliners.
- Once the leading edge of a thunderstorm approaches to within 10 miles, you are at immediate risk of being struck by lightning coming from the overhanging anvil cloud. Because of this, many lightning deaths and injuries occur with clear skies directly overhead.
- In Antarctica, snow can fall so hard you can’t see your hand in front of your face.