1 vote
You’re going to write a program that models the Littleton City Lotto (not a real Lotto game). The program is going to allow to user to first select their lotto numbers. The program will then randomly generate the winning lotto numbers for the week and then check the winning numbers against the random ticket the user played in the Lotto to see how many numbers the user guessed correctly.

1 Answer

3 votes


Step-by-step explanation:

// Include the required

// header files.

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <iomanip>

#include <ctime>

#include <string>

// Use the

// standard namespace.

using namespace std;

// Define the function NoDuplicates(),

// to check whether a value is already

// present in an array or not.

int NoDuplicates(int arr[], int size, int val)


// Run the loop to

// traverse the array.

for(int i=0; i<size; i++)


// If the value is already present

// in the array, return 0.

if(arr[i] == val)


return 0;



// Otherwise, return 1.

return 1;


// Define the function getLottoPicks().

void getLottoPicks(int UserTicket[])


int currNum;


// Run the oop to get 7

// numbers from the user.

for(int i=0; i<7; i++)


// Prompt the user

// to enter the number.

cout << "Please enter number "<<i+1<<":";

// Read and store

// the number.

cin >> currNum;

// Run the loop till the

// entered number is valid.



// If the number is out of range,

// display an error message.

if(currNum>40 || currNum<1)


cout << "The number must between 1 and 40. ";


// Otherwise, if the number is

// already present in the array,

// display an error message.

else if(NoDuplicates(UserTicket, i, currNum) == 0)


cout << "No duplicate numbers are accepted. ";


//Otherwise if the number is valid,

// break out of the loop.





// If the number was invalid,

// prompt the user to enter the number again.

cout << "Please enter another number:"<<endl;

cin >> currNum;


// Store the number in the array.

UserTicket[i] = currNum;



// Define the function GenWinNums().

void GenWinNums(int WinningNums[7])


int currNum;

// Run the loop to

// generate 7 numbers.

for(int i=0; i<7; i++)


// Generate a random number

// in the range 1-40.

currNum = (rand()%40) + 1;

//Run the loop till the

// generated number is valid.

while(NoDuplicates(WinningNums, i, currNum) == 0)


// If the generated number was

// a duplicate, generate another number.

currNum = (rand()%40) + 1;


// Store the number in the array.

WinningNums[i] = currNum;



// Define the function getWinnings().

string getWinnings(int numMatches)


// Return the winnings as

// per the number of matches.



case 0:

case 1:

case 2:


case 3:

return "FREE TICKET";

case 4:

return "NOT BAD - $100";

case 5:

return "LUCKY YOU! - $5,000";

case 6:

return "GREAT! - $100,000";

case 7:

return "JACKPOT - 1 MILLION";


return "Invalid Matches";


// Define the function displayResults().

void displayResults(string name, int UserTicket[], int WinningNums[])


int numMatches = 0;

string winnings;

// Run the loop to convert

// the name to uppercase.

for(int i=0; i<name.size(); i++)


name[i] = toupper(name[i]);


// Run the loop to find

// the number of matches.

for(int i=0; i<7; i++)


for(int j=0; j<7; j++)


if(UserTicket[i] == WinningNums[j])







// Get the winnings as per

// the number of matches.

winnings = getWinnings(numMatches);

// Display the results.

cout << endl

<< name << "'s LOTTO RESULTS" << endl;

cout << "------------------------"<<endl;


// Run the loop to display

// the winning numbers.

for(int i=0; i<7; i++)


cout << setw(3) << WinningNums[i];


cout << endl;

cout << setw(13) << name << "'s TICKET:";

// Run the loop to display

// the user ticket.

for(int i=0; i<7; i++)


cout << setw(3) << UserTicket[i];


cout << endl;

cout << "RESULTS:"<<endl;

cout << "--------"<<endl;

cout << "Number Matches: " << numMatches << endl;

cout << "Winnings : " << winnings << endl

<< endl;


// Define the

// function menu().

void menu()




<<"1) Play Lotto"<<endl

<<"q) Quit Program"<<endl

<<"Please make a selection:"<<endl;


// Define the

// main() function.

int main() {

// Set the random seed.


// Define an array to store

// the user ticket.

int UserTicket[7];

// Define an array to

// store the winning numbers.

int WinningNums[7];

char userChoice = '0';

string name;

// Run the loop till

// the user wants to quit.

while(userChoice != 'q')


// Display the menu.


// Read and store

// the user choice.

cin >> userChoice;

// Perform the required action

// as per the user choice.



case '1':

cout << "Please enter your name:"

<< endl;

cin >> name;



displayResults(name, UserTicket, WinningNums);


// If the user chooses to quit,

// display a message.

case 'q':

cout << "Thank you for"

<<" using the program."<<endl;


// Display an error message

// for invalid selection.


cout << "Invalid selection."

<< endl;



// Return from

// the main() function.

return 0;


User Nokuap
7.1k points