Step-by-step explanation:
The young girl flips through the pages of the magazine. She looks at all the beautiful models, admiring their beauty but questioning her own. How is it possible to look that perfect?Why can't I look like that?Why can't I have big hips and a small waist?Why can't I be big chested and big bottomed and have no stretch marks? Why can't I have glowing pearly white teeth that are perfectly straight.Why can't I have hair down to my lower back wavy and full of life. Why can't I have clear skin and a beautiful nose? Why can't I be tall and skinny, but the thick in all the right places? Why can't I be like them? Why can't I be perfect? The girls in those magazines are all real and beautiful, but the editing in photoshop you see in these pictures to get rid of every's all lies darling.