1. C
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. The author makes the point that the chances of getting over the effects of the influenza virus (recovery) decreases with increase in the age of the affected individual.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. (C) Much of the discomfort that people feel when they’re infected with influenza virus is from their immune system’s attack on the infection.
2. (B) “When T cells specifically recognize influenza virus proteins, they then begin to proliferate in the lymph nodes around the lungs and throat. This causes swelling and pain in these lymph nodes."
3. (D) to explain why people feel so horrible when they’re infected with the influenza virus
4. (A) It shows how the immune systems is responsible for symptoms beyond the parts of the body directly affected by the virus.
5. "Older folks over the age of 65 are especially susceptible to influenza infection, since the immune system becomes weaker with age. In addition, older folks are also more susceptible to long-term disability following influenza infection, especially if they are hospitalized."
"When T cell function declines, such as with increasing age or during use of immunosuppressive drugs, viral clearance is delayed. This results in a prolonged infection and greater lung damage. This can also set the stage for complications including secondary bacterial pneumonia, which can often be deadly."