Classify the following elements into metals, nonmetals, metalloids, or gases, noble : fluorine, sulfur, nitrogen, chlorine, magnesium, helium, sodium, bromine, silicon, tellurium.
- Metals: magnesium and sodium.
- Nonmetals: fluorine, chlorine, bromine, sulfur and nitrogen.
- Metalloids: silicon and tellurium.
- Noble gases: helium.
Step-by-step explanation:
Metals: They occupy the left and central areas of the Periodic Table; therefore, they constitute a majority group of the elements.
Nonmetals: They are located in the upper right region of the Periodic Table.
Within the Periodic Table, the metalloids lie diagonally from boron to polonium. Items above on the right are nonmetals, and items below on the left are metals.
The noble gases are located in group 18 of the Periodic Table.