Here are the definitions so myabe you can write them together yourself!
Step-by-step explanation:
Parasitism - noun
Biology. a relation between organisms in which one lives as a parasite on another.
a parasitic mode of life or existence.
Pathology. a diseased condition due to parasites.
(in some totalitarian countries)
unemployment or refusal to work.
employment in work considered nonessential by the state.
Recessive - adjective
tending to go, move, or slant back; receding.
Genetics. of or relating to a recessive.
Phonetics. (of an accent) showing a tendency to recede from the end toward the beginning of a word.
noun Genetics.
that one of a pair of alternative alleles whose effect is masked by the activity of the second when both are present in the same cell or organism.
the trait or character determined by such an allele.