Should everyone speak English? No. Nobody should be forced to speak a language that they either don't need or want to or they are uncomfortable with.
Step-by-step explanation:
While English is extremely useful as a second language, and people in non-English speaking countries who are considering learning a second language would do well to consider English, there are other languages worth considering too. Someone interested in technology might want to study Japanese, and someone interested in medicine might want to study Latin. But yes, English is very useful.
However, it is not absolutely necessary to know a second language, as the millions of US citizens who do not know one can attest.
Is it necessary for everyone in the US to speak English? I don’t believe it is. English has always been a nation of immigrants, and as such, a nation of many languages. English proficiency should not be required to get a green card. The US welcomes refugees, and should not allow them to wonder and lose sleep over their status if they are having trouble mastering English. If they have a legitimate reason for their refugee status, then that is all that should matter.
Perhaps the requirement of English for citizenship is not a bad idea. Honestly, I am on the fence about this. I think it is possible to be a loyal citizen and speak another language; on the other hand, English proficiency shows a certain amount of dedication. Maybe the standard should be for conversancy, and not fluency. I know lots of people who get by just fine in English who could not work as simultaneous interpreters. The “proficiency” needs to reflect real-world considerations, and not ideals.