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La ley de la conservación de la energía fue descubierta a mediados del siglo XIX gracias a los trabajos de________________ (1814-1878). Médico cirujano alemán, cuyos estudios físicos le permitieron enunciar el primer principio de la _____________. De hecho, la energía es necesaria para que cualquier cosa funcione. SEMANA 10 PROHIBIDA SU REPRODUCCIÓN 14 5.º, 6.º y 7.º EGB Hay energía en todo aquello que cambia o _____________a su alrededor. En cualquier actividad que realicemos. Algunos ejemplos son: El calor del Sol se transforma en energía mecánica cuando al calentar el aire, origina el viento La energía eléctrica se transforma en ______________en los relámpagos. La energía química se transforma en luz y en calor en los______________ La energía química se ______________en mecánica en los seres vivos. La energía______________ se transforma en energía química en la fotosíntesis

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The law of conservation of energy was discovered in the mid-19th century thanks to the work of Julius von Mayer (1814-1878). German medical surgeon, whose physical studies allowed him to enunciate the first principle of ENERGY CONSERVATION. In fact, energy is necessary for anything to work. WEEK 10 REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED 14 5th, 6th and 7th GBS There is energy in everything that changes or TRANSFORMS around you. In any activity that we carry out. Some examples are: The Sun's heat is transformed into mechanical energy when the air is heated by the wind. Electric energy is transformed into ELECTRIC ENERGY in lightning. Chemical energy is transformed into light and heat in COMBUSTION PROCESSES. Chemical energy is TRANSFORMED into mechanics in living beings. SOLAR energy is transformed into chemical energy in photosynthesis

Step-by-step explanation:

The principle of energy conservation goes hand in hand, since thanks to this discovery it was found that energy is not lost in infinity as previously believed, but that this energy is renewed or camouflaged in a new way, the Energy is present in the chemical bonds of all the chemical products that surround us, from the interests to those that do present life, so a balance is maintained on earth to give, deliver, give, receive or take energy among all components of the terrestrial world.

A very good example of this is during a combustion reaction, we put into combustion some chemical compound such as methane, where its molecules undergo an energetic change, and thanks to oxygen they combuste giving CO2 and H2O, but this reaction seems so always talks a lot about the energy that was contained in the methane bonds being released in combustion in the form of heat and light

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