planning,,organizing, leading ,and finally, controlling
Step-by-step explanation:
the process of making plans for something. mass production methods call for detailed planning. [ as modifier ] : the planning stages of the operation.
• the control of urban development by a local government authority, from which a licence must be obtained to build a new property or change an existing one: planning applications.
1 arrange systematically; order: organize lessons in a planned way.
2 make arrangements or preparations for (an event or activity): social programmes are organized by the school.
3 archaic arrange or form into a living being or tissue. the soul doth organize the body.
the amount of blank space between lines of print.
• the distance from the bottom of one line of type to the bottom of the next.
1 cause (a person or animal) to go with one by holding them by the hand, a halter, a rope, etc. while moving forward: she emerged leading a bay horse.