If we implement the combinations recursively without memoization, then the running time would be exponential in n.
Time Complexity:
If we implement this equation literally, as a recursive program, then the running
time of our algorithm without using memoization, T(n), as a function of n, has the following behavior:
T(0) = 1
T(1) = 1
T(n) = T(n − 1) + T(n − 2).
But this implies that
T(n) ≥ 2T(n − 2) = 2^(n/2).
But if we store the combinations in an array, C[][], then we can instead calculate the combinations, C(n,k), iteratively, as follows:
C[0,0] = 0
C[1,1] = 1
for i = 2 to n do
C[n,k] = C[n-1, i−1] + C[n-1,k]
This algorithm clearly runs in O(n) time, and it illustrates the way memoization
can lead to improved performance when subproblems overlap and we use table
lookups to avoid repeating recursive calls.