Consider a packet of size 756 bytes. Enters a network having mtu=500. Now packet will be fragmented in two fragment.
Fragment 1 : 480 data +20 byte header.
Fragment 2 : 276 data + 20 byte header.
Let's compare header of the two fragments.
Internet header length (IHL) ⇒ Due to same size of both fragment header, IHL value will be same. If header length is 20 IHL, then will contain 0101.
Total length ⇒ Total length can be different. Looking at our case, fragment 1 contain 480 byte data while fragment 2 contains 276 byte so total length will be different.
Identification ⇒ Identification is same for all fragment belonging to same packet
D flag (don't fragment) ⇒ This is used to indicate weather packet is fragmented or not. D=1 not a fragment. D=0 fragment. So this D flag will be same.
M flag (more fragment) ⇒ This is used to indicate more fragment present or not. M=1 more fragment are present. M=0 last fragment.
Fragment offset ⇒This is used to indicate position of fragment among fragments. This value will be different for two fragment.
Header checksum : As many other fields of two fragment is different thus checksum of two fragment will also be different.
Step-by-step explanation:
See all the explanation in the answer.