Town "A" was going to have a larger population eventually
Town "A" = 3458 inhabitants
Town "B" = 2600 inhabitants
Eventually Town "A" will have a greater population population because it increases in percentage with respect to each year, therefore, there will come a time that its increase will be greater than 50 per year, which is what Town "B" increases.
To calculate the population the first thing is to know that 30 years have passed, then we must calculate that 30-year increase.
For Town "A" the increase would be as follows:
800 * (1.05 ^ 30) = 3457.55 = 3458 inhabitants
For Town "B" the increase would be as follows:
1100 + 50 * 30 = 2600 inhabitants
Thus checking that Town "A" was going to have a larger population eventually