i got u g,
a: he said he was haitian
b:The origins of hate and discrimination in the region can be dated back to 1937, which is when many say the Haiti-Dominican relationship took a turn down the wrong path. The Parsley Massacre, carried out by Dominican guards under the leadership of dictator Rafael Trujillo, targeted Haitians and Dominicans with darker skin.
c:The Dominican Republic is one of the countries with the majority of the population being multiracial. Since 1960, the body mandated to collect the statistics refrained from the collection of racial data. Before then, such features were got from observation and not direct interrogation. In the past, it experienced problems with racism in which the whites were considered at the very top of their castes. The multiracial people were in the second place and finally there were the blacks who were disregarded by the rest and often subjected to slavery.
d:In the years since the establishment of the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 by U.S. President James Monroe, the United States considered the Caribbean an “American lake,” an area of strategic importance to Washington. It was the policy of succeeding American presidents to prevent other powers, mostly from Europe, from gaining a foothold in Latin America. I...
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