Although the US government can interfere with our lives at all our ages, we are not allowed to choose our governors before we are 18 years old.
The explanation for this is that the right to vote and the choice of governors is a very critical and important moment for our society. It is important that each individual has a political and social maturity, so that they can understand the political situation in the country, the importance of voting and the consequences that this can generate.
Although there are some exceptions, most individuals do not have this maturity before the age of 18, because these individuals have other priorities, which are not directly related to politics. In this case, it is believed that it would be very easy to induce and influence individuals under the age of 18 to votes that do not necessarily correspond to their interests.
Therefore, we can conclude that although the government interferes at all times in our life, a certain degree of knowledge and intellectual and political maturity is important to vote.