3) 174°15'18"
4) 34.859722...(repeating)°
5) 434°, -286°
There are 60 minutes in a degree, and 60 seconds in a minute.
3) To find minutes, multiply fractional degrees by 60:
.255° = 0.255°×(60'/1°) = 15.3'
To find seconds, multiply fractional minutes by 60:
0.3' = 0.3'×(60"/1') = 18"
Then the whole angle is ...
174.255° = 174° 15' 18"
4) The conversion works the other way, too.
34° 51' 35" = 34° +51(1/60)° +35(1/3600)° = (34 619/720)°
= 34.8597222...° (a repeating decimal)
5) Add or subtract multiples of 360° to get co-terminal angles.
74° +360° = 434°
74° -360° = -286°