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First, evaluate 3/4 + 1 7/8 without including whole numbers for now.

When dealing with unequal fraction denominators, find the greatest common factor of both numbers to make the denominators match.

Next, add these two numbers together.

Oh no! It looks like we have an improper fraction. To solve this, count each time the numerator passes the denominator and count that as a whole number. Like 9/8 is 1 1/8 because the numerator went over the denominator 1 time, counting the extra unit fraction.

Now, add the whole numbers.

Last not not least, divide by one half. Since 2 5/8 is equal to 21/8, convert it to this fraction.

Use the 2 in 1/2 and the 1 in 1/2, then multiply 2 by 21, and 8 by 1

Finally, simplify 42/8
if 8 Ă— 5 is 40 you can tell the number will be close to 40

That said, the answer is
and also