Review المة هند اما اهو اما و مية Too Much Screen Time Daniel Thrash Kids today spend too much time looking at screens. Once upon a time, people complained that kids simply watched too much television, but now kids have many more screen distractions cell phones, computers, lap-tops, desk-tops, smart watches, and electronic gaming consoles. Studies show that students sometimes spend up to six hours simply looking at screens on an average day. Studies have also shown that increased screen time often means decreases in reading scores. Some studies even link screen time to students having less ability to focus or concentrate If we want students to be competitive and succeed in school, then we need to look at limiting the hours each student spends each day looking at screens 1) Question: First, identify the author's point of view (or perspective) in this passage. Then explain how the author uses reasons and evidence to support his particular point of view in this text Type your answer below Edit - View- Format - Table - Formats - B I E 를 들 E USATestprep. LLC 2021. All Rights Reserved Read Our Blog Privacy Policy PHONE 1 - 877 - 377 9537 FAX 1.877 - 816 - 0808 Us 04:46