Piece of information: Plastic is a key piece in the massive amount of trash that is covering the Earth and polluting the land and water.
How it could be represented: Statistical infographic
A pie chart showing the distribution of different elements that produce polluting trash could help better understand the extent to which plastic is a key problem.
Piece of information: Some of the most notable places where plastic pollution is visible is in the giant trash gyres (trash vortexes) floating in the oceans.
How it could be represented: Geographic infographic.
A map chart would allow visualizing location-based information, such as the number and location of the trash vortexes found in the oceans.
Piece of information: Plastic directly kills hundred-thousands or even millions of aquatic animals annually, it spreads harmful algae and other invasive species, and serves as a transport medium for pollutants accumulating in the food chain.
How it could be represented: List infographic.
A creative visual list of the different harmful effects that plastic pollution produces, with icons and eye-catching fonts and colors could reinforce how important finding a solution is.