Step-by-step explanation:
The following are my SMART goals:-
1. I want to be physically fit within 6 months on order to be able to run a marathon in less than 3 hours.
2. I want to become a manager in my current organization from my current position as an assistant manager within the next 3 years in order to be able lead a team.
3. I want to be a lovable dad to my daughter in the next 3 months so that I can spend more quality time with her.
4. I want to become an amazing husband to my wife by spending more quality time with her and also taking her on vacations in the next 6 months.
1. I would start my training from next week. Initially I would run 3 to 5 kilometers with walk breaks.
2. I would talk to my boss next week to ask for more responsibilities and also to ask him to let me know what is required to get promoted.
3. I would start leaving office early by being more efficient and effective in the office. I will also take my daughter on walks and play with her for 1 hour daily.
4. I would come back from office early and spend time with my wife.
1. I will talk to other marathoners to know whether my goal is attainable and will also research about it.
2. I will talk to my colleagues whom are managers about what they did to get promoted.
3. I will talk to other dads to know whether my goal is attainable.
4. I will talk to other husbands that are successful.
When I start measuring my progress weekly and getting a feedback from people whom I admire, then I would know how realistic my goals are.
I have given a time frame for the attainment of all these goals which is very vital.
For implementing these goals, I m going to use the Plan-Do-Act-Dare cycle.
Since my objective is to become a well rounded person in my personal and also my professional life, the above steps will surely help me in becoming that person.
The strategy diamond will consist of:-
1. Arenas- Professional and Personal
2. Vehicles- Focus and hard work
3. Differentiation- Being different and unique from others.
4. Staging- Speed of initiatives
Also, there should be an economic logic binding this.