I was lost. After my birthday where we went on a limo ride and had a sundae bar, after all the things I had done for them, after bringing happiness when they were down, after my trip to Hawaii I came back to school with presents for them and what do they do? They unfriend me. Immediately, I went to the library and called my mom. She picked up the phone and heard me crying. After school, she took me to get ice cream and we talked about what happened. We set a goal for me; make a great friend at school this week. So I did. I found an amazing friend. We started hanging out during lunch and soon, at our houses as well. She dusted off all the hurt and made me feel good about myself. No one had ever done that for me. No one has been so nice as her. I am so grateful. Now in quarantine, we talk all day on the phone, even when we are doing school. We play Roblox together when we can. :)
Step-by-step explanation: