8 1/3, or 8.307
First we need to get the measurement of the division line, or the middle line. We can use the Pythagorean Theorem! How exciting!

Now, you have two options:
A) If you are good at math and can understand shortcuts, there is no need to take the square root of this, as you will instantly have to square it as we use it in the second half.
B) If you need to have something written down for your though process, go ahead and square root 75.
I am going to use option A, but if you need me to explain why we do not have to take the square root, follow along, and if you still do not get it, do not be afraid to ask!
For the second half of the problem, to find x, we must again use the Pythagorean Theorem!

144 - 75 = 69

And now we are done, with a final answer of 8.307, or
Hope this helps! Math is fun!