Practice and Apply Demonstrate an understanding of each Critical Vocabulary
word by explaining your answer.
1. If you possessed acuity of vision, would you be more or less likely to need
prescription glasses? Why?
2. Which of these stimuli is more likely to bring about a reaction from you the
sound of a ringing telephone or the smell escaping from a bakery? Why?
3. If you have a propensity for organization is your closet messy or tidy? Explain
4. fa singer's songs transcend musical genres, can you dassify them as either
country or rock? Why?
5. If your job was precarious would you look for a new one? Explain
Vocabulary Strategy: Using Reference Sources
The author of the essay incorporates pop culture historical and scientific references
into the text. Though you may be able to discern the central dea without knowing
what these references are understanding them will enhance your comprehension
For example if you didnt know the meaning of the Critical Vocabulary words
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2:52 PM