The answer is computer. A computer would spit out the answer in no time." "Are you sure?" "Of course I'm sure." Robert thought that the number devil was a bit too confident. Maybe he was just bluffing. Robert decided to take a chance and said, "You haven't tried it with 11 111 111 111 x 11 111 111 111 have you?" "No, can't say I have." "Well, I bet it doesn't work." The number devil started doing the problem in his head, but his face turned bright red again and swelled up like a balloon. Was it because he was angry, Robert wondered, or because the problem was hard? —The Number Devil, Hans Magnus Enzenberger What best describes the value of reading this text out loud more than once to improve fluency? How can you tell that the passage has dialogue? How can your reading show the two voices? Which unique part of this text affects