Free energy present in sunlight is been trapped by the process known as Photosynthesis, then from carbon dioxide is produced from the carbohydrates,as a result of this free energy such as carriers and APT is gotten from sugars from Cellular respiration and fermentation. The two process are Interdependent of each other i.e Photosynthesis and respiration There is always exchange between the organism and the environment ,for instance water and nutrient is required for new molecules synthesis
Autotrophic cells are able to get theirfree energy through the process of photosynthesis and chemosynthesis.
Balance is maintained by the membrane which allows the internal and external environment to be at different level, as a result of this there is selective permeability by the membrane through the movement of molecules through them by osmosis and homeostasis is maintained.
More over their is regulation of physiological and behavioral events which increase long term survival.