Product Lower of cost or market value
A $28
B $42
C $119
D $18
Step-by-step explanation:
Particulars a b c d e f = d - c
Product Cost Replacement cost Estimated disposal cost Estimated selling price Normal profit in sales Ceiling
A $30 $28 $8 $44 25% $36
B $44 $42 $10 $54 20% $44
C $124 $119 $29 $210 30% $181
D $18 $15.4 $6 $30 20% $24
Product g = f - d × e h = middle value of b , f ,g i j = lower of I and h
Product Floor Designated market value Cost Lower of cost or market value
A $25 $28 $30 $28
B $33.2 $42 $44 $42
C $118 $119 $124 $119
D $18 $18 $18 $18
As we know that the inventory should be recognized at lower value of cost or market value and the same is considered