What is the basis for the Director’s argument?
- The director believes that this is a temporarily restricted contribution and therefore it should be classified as restricted and recognized in 2007 once it can be classified as unrestricted.
What is the basis for the accountant’s argument?
- Unconditional gifts or donations must be recognized when they are made, and since the money was received in 2006, it should be recognized then.
Step-by-step explanation:
I agree with the Director since this is a restricted donation, i.e. the donor established strict conditions for its use both in time and purpose. For it to be unconditional, the donor should have stated that the money could be used in the best way that the NPO considers and at any time. But instead it established that it must be used to provide scholarships to musicians during 2007.
Both a condition and a restriction exits:
- the restriction refers to the time: 2007
- the condition refers to its use: scholarships for musicians