Sorry I'm late man, but I bombed this quiz and here's the actual answers
1. functional group (top row); uses (bottom row)
2. Uses of Functional Groups Involving Oxygen
3. carbonyl
4. N is single bonded to R, and single bonded twice to H. (Or B)
6. a carboxylic acid and an amine
7. ethylamine
8. alchohol
9. alkyl halide
10. A central carbon is double bonded to O above, and single bonded to R below left and to O R prime below right. (Or B again)
Step-by-step explanation:
Keep grinding. I know I will. I'm going to have to pull some all nighters in order to catch up before I work this summer. I'm so ahead on my classes and it still looks like I'll be doing school til the middle of June. You're not alone (If you're in the same situation as me that is). Good luck!