During the Great War, poetry played a more significant role in the war effort
than articles and pamphlets. A campaign of extraordinary language filled with
abstract and spiritualized words and phrases concealed the realities of the War.
Archaic language and lofty phrases hid the horrible truth of modern mechanical
warfare. The majority and most recognized and admired poets, including those
who served on the front and knew firsthand the horrors of trench warfare, not
only supported the war effort, but also encouraged its continuation. For the
majority of the poets, the rejection of the war was a postwar phenomenon. From
the trenches, leading Great War poets; Owen, Sassoon, Graves, Sitwell, and
others, learned that the War was neither Agincourt, nor the playing fields of
ancient public schools, nor the supreme test of valor but, instead, the modern
industrial world in miniature, surely, the modern world at its most horrifying
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