See explaination
Step-by-step explanation:
// CollegeCourse class implementation
public class CollegeCourse
// constant values
private final double FEE_PER_CREDIT_HOUR = 120.00;
// data fields
private String department;
private int courseNumber;
private int credits;
private double collegeCourseFee;
// constructor initializes all the data fields
public CollegeCourse(String newDepartment, int newCourseNumber, int newCredits)
department = newDepartment.toUpperCase();
courseNumber = newCourseNumber;
credits = newCredits;
collegeCourseFee = FEE_PER_CREDIT_HOUR * credits;
// getDepartment method returns the department of the course
public String getDepartment()
return department;
// getCourseNumber method returns the number of the course
public int getCourseNumber()
return courseNumber;
// getCredits method returns the credit hours of the course
public int getCredits()
return credits;
// getCollegeCourseFee method returns the fee of the college course
public double getCollegeCourseFee()
return collegeCourseFee;
// display method displays all the data of college course
public void display()
System.out.println("\\*** Course Data ***");
System.out.println("Course: " + "College Course");
System.out.println("Department: " + this.getDepartment());
System.out.println("Course Number: " + this.getCourseNumber());
System.out.println("Credit Hours: " + this.getCredits());
System.out.println("Course Fee: $" + this.getCollegeCourseFee());
} // end of CollegeCourse class
// LabCourse class implementation
public class LabCourse extends CollegeCourse
// constant values
private final double LAB_FEE = 50.00;
// data fields
private double labCourseFee;
// constructor initializes all the data fields
public LabCourse(String newDepartment, int newCourseNumber, int newCredits)
super(newDepartment, newCourseNumber, newCredits);
labCourseFee = super.getCollegeCourseFee() + LAB_FEE;
// getCollegeCourseFee method returns the fee of the lab course
public double getLabCourseFee()
return labCourseFee;
// display method displays all the data of lab course
public void display()
System.out.println("\\*** Course Data ***");
System.out.println("Course: " + "Lab Course");
System.out.println("Department: " + super.getDepartment());
System.out.println("Course Number: " + super.getCourseNumber());
System.out.println("Credit Hours: " + super.getCredits());
System.out.println("Course Fee: $" + this.getLabCourseFee());
} // end of LabCourse class
// UseCourse class implementation
import java.util.Scanner;
public class UseCourse
// start main method
public static void main(String[] args)
// create an object for Scanner class
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
// prompt the user to enter the department of the course
System.out.print("Enter the department of the course: ");
String dept = keyboard.nextLine();
// prompt the user to enter the number of the course
System.out.print("Enter the number of the course: ");
int number = keyboard.nextInt();
// prompt the user to enter the credit hours of the course
System.out.print("Enter the credit hours of the course: ");
int hours = keyboard.nextInt();
if(dept.equalsIgnoreCase("BIO") || dept.equalsIgnoreCase("CHM")
|| dept.equalsIgnoreCase("CIS") || dept.equalsIgnoreCase("PHY"))
// if the user enters any of the lab departments (BIO, CHM, CIS, or PHY),
// then create a LabCourse and then display the course data
LabCourse labCourse = new LabCourse(dept, number, hours);
// if the user does not enter any of the lab departments (BIO, CHM, CIS, or PHY),
// then create a CollegeCourse and then display the course data
CollegeCourse collegeCourse = new CollegeCourse(dept, number, hours);
// close the Scanner object
} // end of UseCourse class