5 votes
*Зробіть у тексті стилістичні виправлення. Поясніть,чому заміна іменників та прикметників займенниками можлива або необхідна. Великий крислатий волоський горіх займав півподвір'я. Горіх посадив господар садиби. Господар гордився горіхом і радо давав поради,як садити горіх. Господар розказував про те,яке чисте дерево той волоський горіх,що волоський горіх очищує повітря. А ще під волоським горіхом куточок відпочинку: укопаний стіл, лави. Стіл і лави зробив господар. На столі господар часто майстрував. У господаря все виходило до ладу.

User Vinita
6.6k points

1 Answer

4 votes

Here's a clearer rendering;

Make stylistic corrections in the text. Explain why the replacement of nouns and adjectives with pronouns is possible or necessary. A large winged walnut occupied a half-yard. The nut was planted by the owner of the estate. The owner was proud of the nut and gladly gave advice on how to plant a nut. The owner talked about how clean the walnut is, that the walnut cleans the air. And under the walnut there is a rest area: a dug-in table, benches. The table and benches were made by the owner. The host often worked on the table. Everything went well for the owner.


The owner, The nut, which is a noun appears to often.

Step-by-step explanation:

The corrected passage could read this way;

A large winged walnut occupied a half-yard. It was planted by the owner of the estate who was proud of the nut and gladly gave advice on how to plant a nut.

He talked about how clean the walnut is, and that it cleans the air, under it there's a rest area: a dug-in table, benches, which were made by him. The host often worked on the table and everything went well for him.

User Dscyre Scotti
6.4k points