Encryption method security:-
- Encryption method representing each alphabetic character as an integer between 0 and 25.
- Now, apply RSA algorithm for each integer is not an efficient secure encryption method.
Step-by-step explanation:
- Let consider alphabetic characters set {A, B... Z} .
- Each alphabetic character forms a set of message block values M={0,1,2...,25).
- From encryption method the corresponding cipher text block value C = {0e mod n,1e mod n, 2e mod n,..., 25e mod n}.
- Then, compute the cipher text with knowledge of Bob's public key;
- If the public key is generated, then possibility to decrypt the cipher text to plain text.
- The generated public key is easily calculated by everyone and security is lost.
- Therefore, the encryption method is not secure.
Encryption method is not secure, Most efficient attack against this method:-
- Now, compute the encryption message with the function Me mod n for all the possible values of M.
- This is the most efficient attack against the scheme in encryption method.
- Then, create a look-up table with cipher text as an index to the corresponding plain text as a value for appropriate location in the table.