The claim that the authors made in the article is that justice system neglect forgiveness which can be extended through restorative justice. This claim is supported by taking example of restorative programs during apartheid era and Rwandan genocide.
Step-by-step explanation:
"Does the Justice System Neglect Forgiveness" is an article co-authored by Oriel FeldmanHall and Peter Sokol-Hessner. The article talks about the restorative justice and its positive impacts that are often neglected in Justice Systems.
The authors take examples of violation of civil rights during apartheid-era, in which restorative program of the commission was set up. Under this program, the victims and perpetrator would have conversation one on one. This conversation was able to bring satisfaction to victims and criminals were likely to acknowledge their mistakes.
Similar program was set up by a non-profit organization in Rwanda. The name of the organization was Association Modeste et Innocent (AMI) which enabled Hutus and Tutsis to come together and talk with one another. The result of this restorative justice was that victims were able to forgive their perpetrators.
So, through this the authors were able to support their claims that restorative justice have the possibility of extending forgiveness, which justice system lacks.