4 votes
Which three actions or events were most critical in the social economic and political transformation of china into a global power

User Vitalidze
7.9k points

1 Answer

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China overtakes the United States and is already in 2014 the world's leading economic power, according to the latest data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). A milestone that comes five years earlier than expected, because until now those who lost from the IMF had changed this historic change until 2019.

Specifically, China's GDP in 2013 reached 16.15 trillion dollars and that of the United States, which has been the first power on the planet since it surpassed the United Kingdom in 1872, exceeded that level to climb to 16.77 million of dollars. A year later, the scenario changes: China adds 17.632 trillion and the United States, 17.416 trillion, in a new world order that will be maintained for at least the next five years, according to the IMF.

And is that the difference between China and the US USA It will be expanded in favor of the first until 2019, the last year for which the Fund prepares forecasts (see attached table). In that exercise, the Chinese GDP will be 26.9 trillion dollars and that of the United States, 22.1 trillion.

It is the result of the solid growth rates of the Asian tiger, which will reach 7.4% this year and 7.1% in 2015. More long-term, China, which faces the challenge of achieving a "soft landing" In a transition towards a more sustainable economy and dependent on domestic demand, it will grow 6.8% in 2016, 6.6% a year later, 6.4% in 2018 and 6.3% in 2019.

Meanwhile, the US, which bears the weight of budgetary imbalances and with a slow advance in the labor market, will accelerate 2.2% in 2014 and 3.1% in 2015. Already in 2016, the rate will be 3%, to go to 2.9% in 2017 and 2.7% in 2018. The Fund series closes in 2019, when this slowdown is confirmed at 2.6%. However, the United States is still much richer than China, where per capita income accounts for only a fifth of Americans.

This measurement is carried out in purchasing power parity, the most rigorous, since it is not subject to exchange rate volatilities, as it does in the calculation based on the volume of GDP in current dollars. In the latter case, none of the international organizations predicts a similar relief.

What does occur in one measure or another is a sharp decline in Spain. The country, which in 2007 boasted of playing in the economic Champions League, goes from the twelfth place before the crisis to the seventeenth. Thus, it loses 5 positions in the ranking due to purchasing power parity, being overtaken by Canada, Indonesia, Korea, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

In the current dollar ranking, the weight loss is much more evident, as it gives up seven places. From eighth place in 2007 it falls to fourteenth in 2019, surpassed by India, Brazil, Russia, Canada, Korea, Australia and Mexico.

Step-by-step explanation:

In 1946, the world began to be governed by the military policies and actions undertaken and directed by Washington and Moscow, which formed a new international order led by a formal dimension, represented by the United Nations, and an informal one, embodied in The War. Cold The latter, which in fact modeled and gave reality to the international order and enabled a specific geopolitics, ended in 1991. European states became a second-order power, retaining historical credentials, but few levers of real power.

By 1992, many observers identified Washington as the great global power. Many spoke of the United States as a hyperpower, something that really had only been from 1945 to 1949, when it had the most advanced form of military destruction, the nuclear bomb, alone.

The People's Republic of China has rapidly become, without contemplation or pause –since the government reforms introduced by Deng Xiaoping, from 1978–, a growing economic power. It was industrially reformed, with very evident supports in industry and in the scientific development that emerged from the 1979 university reform, which had as its central point its de-ideologization and the full introduction of the main world scientific and technological developments.

User ThirstForKnowledge
7.3k points